As a feminist-mother-artist-theorist writing and making art that reflects on the context of feminist-maternal-art-and-theory today, I have a lot at stake in what one could call the ‘maternal turn.’ This turn is marked by new social media networks, curatorial projects, and recent and upcoming publications that argue for the maternal as a crucial location from which to explore the conditions, ethics, and futures of feminism today. Such turns, of course, are made and not found. Jennie Klein and Meryl Chernick’s The M Word: Real Mothers in Contemporary Art, published in May of 2011 by Canada’s Demeter Press, contributes to the making of this maternal turn in contemporary feminist art history, theory and practice today.
How to Cite
Loveless, N., (2013) “Myrel Chernick and Jennie Klein Eds, The M Word: Real Mothers in Contemporary Art (Toronto: Demeter Press, 2011), 427 pp., ISBN: 978-0986667121, $49.95, paperback.”, Studies in the Maternal 5(1), 1-6. doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/sim.33